Goodbye Party/8th Anniversary Party Review & Announcement

Hey Penguins,

After 8 years of playing CP I am officially (as hard as it is) quitting. A couple reasons why is: Boredom; ClubPenguin is just downright boring to me now, Bullying; Yes my friends have continuously bullied me about playing Club Penguin, and it’s true there is an age limit unfortunately I am a young man and have to start acting like it, No focus; I am not sleeping, focusing on schoolwork, and more. And that’s about it but overall I had a nice time on Club Penguin and especially a good time at my short goodbye party, overall it is time for me to move on.

So for the last time I say, Waddle On!

Ninjaoninja2, Former Club Penguin Reveals Author.  

UPDATE: You voted and now i’ll be back next month, I am just taking a break. 😉

3 thoughts on “Goodbye Party/8th Anniversary Party Review & Announcement

  1. Hey Ninjaoninja2!
    I can’t believe that you’ve quit Club Penguin!
    You have been a Great Friend to me!
    You really made me feel welcome at Club Penguin Reveals and helped me a lot!
    You will be missed so much!
    I hope you will occasionally visit Club Penguin!
    Goodbye Ninjaoninja2!
    Waddle On!


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