
To be considered to our Club Penguin Blogroll, please leave us a comment below with the link to your Club Penguin blog and your penguin’s username.


Comment example: 

“Hi, my name is Cooldude45678 I really like your blog, and I would love to have my blog: featured in your blogroll, thanks!” 


  1. The Club Penguin Cheats
  2. Club Penguin Space

154 thoughts on “Blogroll

  1. Wow, I know that loads of you penguins are very interested in adding your blog to our list, although JUST TODAY we will not be accepting! So, comment tomorrow!


  2. Thank you for putting me on your ultimate blog roll my traffic has increased since.
    Also your bog is looking epic. Also a hint for all bloggers out there using iOS devices download the free WordPress app it’s awesome


  3. Hey there,Lionpolice here! I would like to advertise about my blog . S would you please add my blog to your blogroll?


  4. Hi, Lionpolice here! I added you on my blogroll! My website is . I hope soon you would add me to your blogroll.

    Apart that, thanks for making this helpful and wesome blog.



  5. Thanks a lot Mrzero3 for regarding my blog as an awesome blog 🙂 But yours one is more awesome than mine.I am now trying to buy my own domain.
    On the other hand,I have an habit of making friends wherever I visit,so will you be my friend?


  6. No problem! I truly mean that it is awesome! 🙂 No doubt about it.. haha. That’s pretty cool, that you’re trying to buy your own domain! 🙂 It’s nicer to have a domain. 😛 Of course I’ll be your buddy, man! 🙂 I love making friends as well…. Just hit me up with a follow on Twitter and we can talk for as long as we want to! Waddle on, ~Mrzero3


  7. Greetings, Sporty moi has quit her blog!!! She was the only person on my blogroll So I thought you could knock her off number 20 and put me there if you don’t believe me go to sincerely,


  8. please check out my blog at this is a really cool blog what did you do to it to make it so nice P.S. can you please put me on your blogroll


  9. Hello, Its me P41690!
    Please put up my blog called

    If it is possible could you say no copying because I spent long time on my blog and then seeing the same things on someone elses blog that took them no time at all is quite annoying.


  10. No. I am not going to put your blog in my blogroll – since you COPIED ALL OF MY WIDGETS. Take all of the tracker and guide widgets off immediately. Now. I am serious.


  11. It’s funny how you say ‘no copying’. Your whole blog is a copy. Your entire left hand sidebar is virtually a complete copy of Club Penguin Reveals’ widgets. Additionally, you have copied Trainman’s header. Please take down those widgets immediately. (My ones at least) – the tracker ones and the how to ones.


  12. Hi, Mrzero3.

    A blogger named businesbear copied many of my contents and used it in his own blog, without asking me, neither, he gave me any credits. Check his blog ‘s support banners and also check the ‘Apply Now’ page. Then, check my blog’s same 2 pages.Just see, what he done! Also, check my secret blog , where I keep a collection of all my deleted supported banners, he copied one of the,too!! Please, give me advice in this matter 🙂



  13. I really love your blog.your blog should be the best in the world.
    Can you add my blog to your blogrolll plz
    Here is the website

    Thank you for adding me in the blog roll list .I would be pleased


  14. Of course! Hope everything goes well with your site in the future! 🙂 Additionally, if you need any help/ advice from me EVER – contact me!


  15. Hey dude,

    My site is a little different than the others. My site doesn’t have cheats.. I’m trying to make this Club Penguin server (Summit) a well known server for minigames. It would be great if you could put my site on the blogroll.


    I’m trying to start it up. Thanks for reading, and I hope you put this on your blogroll 🙂


  16. Hey, I am colj8 and I like how you run this site. I have a site too that I need help on. Can you add my site?


  17. Hello, the name’s Greengirl816, and I would love to be added to your blogroll ( I’ll also put you on mine if you’re not already on there.


  18. Hey! Can would you be thinking about putting my website on your blogroll, I will put yours on mine. Your blog and videos are awesome. My website is! Thanks very much,
    Ryanec1 ( owner)


  19. Pingback: Club Penguin Reveals Easter Egg Hunt 2015 has Finished | Club Penguin Reveals 2015

  20. hi I’m quibbia, and I’d really like and appreciate it immensely if you featured my blog in your blogroll. I am just getting started but it would be awesome if you could! It’s:

    Thanks, you guys are great 🙂


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