Fire Ninja

Greeting Ninjas. Are you ready to become a Fire Ninja? To do so, carefully follow each and every step below.

Waddle into the Dojo. Now, as soon as you enter the Dojo, you will see that Sensei will be sitting directly in front of you. Waddle past Sensei’s center stand, and go directly into the Fire Dojo through the door on the left.

Once you are inside the Fire Dojo, you should see Sensei in his fire suit, located directly in front of you. Around you, you should see various playing mats for mini-games with friends.

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Now, if you click on the ‘Legend’, poster to the left of the Fire Dojo, it will appear onto your screen, reading and telling you all of the items you must earn in order to become a Fire Ninja. To earn these items, you must continuously play Card-Jitsu Fire, either with friends or with random players. There are two ways in which you can play Card-Jitsu Fire; either up where Sensei sits, or on the mats. It doesn’t necessarily matter which area you play in.

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As already explained above, once you have earned all of the desired items, in order to become a true Fire Ninja, you must defeat Sensei. To do this, waddle up to Sensei and this time, click ‘Challenge Sensei’. Once you have defeated Sensei, the fire gem on your Amulet Necklace should now be there. Remember, at any time, you can purchase a set of Power Cards for 1,500 coins if you’re a member. To do so, simply go to the Dojo, and click on the ‘Martial Arts’ catalog.

If you visit your local Club Penguin retailer, ask them if they sell ‘Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Card’ packs. Within these packs, not only will you be able to collect cards, but you’ll be able to unlock ultimate rare power cards for free, with the given code inside of the packet.
Screen Shot 2013-02-13 at 9.58.04 PMIf you have any other questions, somehow related to game-play or Card-Jitsu Fire in general, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments below. We hope that this guide has helped you to become a Fire Ninja.

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